
breathe, my lungs

I breathe with my heart

I take in all energies in my life


the receptivity feels great with spiritual energies

and pleasant emotion

maybe I can be like a mirror to my life

that my heart can be like a mirror

maybe I can take it all in

into this great receptive heart

and things, truth, will be found

things can make sense


inside my heart, there became a threefold flame,

as I became receptive, it was there

three flames of white against dark

with each flame of pink, blue and gold tip, respectively

the energies stream through my crown and down,

down into my heart, through my heart


I believe this receptivity will highlight things,

show things,

as they are


my heart is a mirror to itself

my life is my heart

as I take in life around me, into my heart,

I hope to make sense of it all

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